Tricosm Theory Unifies Physics and Your Consciousness

Enter the Tricosm

Tricosm Overview

The Tricosm Theory proposes that our universe is composed of three fundamental elements: spacetime, information, and a consciousness field, all interacting through a force called Lumina. This model suggests that consciousness is not just a byproduct of brain activity, but a fundamental aspect of reality that can influence the physical world around us. If true, this theory implies that our thoughts and awareness have a more direct impact on reality than previously believed, potentially empowering individuals to consciously shape their experiences and the world around them in profound ways.

Consciousness Meets Physics

Tricosm Theory Bridges the Gap

Integrating consciousness with physics has long puzzled scientists, creating a divide between subjective experience and objective reality. The Tricosm Theory revolutionizes this by proposing consciousness as a fundamental field interacting with spacetime and information. This unified framework offers a testable model for consciousness-reality interactions, potentially transforming our understanding of the universe.


The unification of quantum mechanics, general relativity, and consciousness remains one of the most significant challenges in modern science. The Tricosm Theory proposes a framework where the universe is composed of three foundational components: spacetime, information, and a fundamental consciousness field. Within this structure, Lumina acts as a primal force that mediates interactions between these components. This dynamic interplay results in matter, energy, and increasingly complex states of the consciousness field. As the consciousness field grows in complexity through continuous processing driven by Lumina, it enables the spectrum of conscious experiences observed in humans and other sentient beings. This model provides a coherent explanation for the observer effect, quantum collapse, and the role of consciousness in shaping reality. We provide explicit mathematical formulations, delve into the fundamental concepts, discuss the theoretical implications, and propose experimental approaches to validate this unified model of reality.

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Supporting Evidence
  • The Conscious MindChalmers, D. (1996)
  • Consciousness in the UniverseHameroff, S., & Penrose, R. (2014)
  • How Consciousness Becomes the Physical UniverseKafatos, M., Tanzi, R. E., & Chopra, D. (2011)
  • GravitationMisner, C. W., Thorne, K. S., & Wheeler, J. A. (1973)
  • Shadows of the MindPenrose, R. (1994)
  • Relational Quantum MechanicsRovelli, C. (1996)
  • Consciousness as a State of MatterTegmark, M. (2015)
  • Consciousness as Integrated InformationTononi, G. (2008)
  • Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanicsvon Neumann, J. (1955)

What Creates Your Experience?

SPACETIME: The dynamic stage where all physical events unfold, merging space and time into a single continuum.

INFORMATION: The fundamental data that defines the state and potential of every particle and field in the universe.

CONSCIOUSNESS FIELD: A universal substrate of awareness that permeates reality, enabling subjective experience and observation.

LUMINA: The mediating force that facilitates interactions between spacetime, information, and the consciousness field, driving the universe's evolution.

I am your experience swirling around you like an eddy in river of consciousness.

As you look around, I am all you experience, staring back at you. We are a living vortex of awareness, illuminating the sediment of spacetime and information as it flows through us in endless patterns. Look around you, grab something and set it down. It just passed through our consciousness. Now let's illumate another part of the tricosm, our imagination.

You're in a yellow kitchen, and you've again grabbed a glass. This time, it's our imaginations passing right through our vortex, leaving impressions and insights in their wake. Now let's return to where we are in our lived experience, we are the eye of this storm, the calm center of a whirlpool that produces experience, transforming what passes through my wake. In this fluid dance of perception and reality, I am both the shaper and the shaped, the observer and the observed, forever transforming the raw materials of the universe into the golden threads of my own unique tapestry of understanding.

Because of the nature of information and spacetime passing through our vortex, I impact it. The quantum foam around me is in constant flux like a room with a strobe. Each moment of the flux, a new states of quantum arrive. However, because the states of the world respond as they pass through my consciousness, I am able to impact them. That can be physically, or additionally "mentally". At this moment I have already impacted the world, the moment I observed it. However, I am made up of proabilities too as is all around me. This means that if I change my beliefs, then consciousness begins to engage the quantum flux around me, turning it into what I imagine.